API Strategy: Architecture

Muneeb S. Ahmad
5 min readApr 11, 2023


API Architecture is a crucial aspect of modern software development as it facilitates seamless communication and data exchange between different systems. With APIs, developers can access services and functionalities provided by other software systems using standardized methods, eliminating the need to understand the underlying complexity. By implementing a well-structured and clear API Architecture, software developers can enhance scalability, security, and maintainability of their applications while reducing complexity. Additionally, well-designed APIs promote interoperability and enable integration with other software systems, enabling the development of complex applications that integrate multiple services and data sources. Ultimately, API Architecture is fundamental in creating robust, scalable, and interoperable software systems that meet the demands of modern businesses and organizations.

Below are the main components and aspects of an enterprise API Architecture.

API Consumers

API consumers, external or internal, are applications and systems that utilize the capabilities of an API to deliver business value. These consumers require secure and reliable access to the API, as well as clear documentation and support. API providers must ensure that their API is designed with the needs of the consumers in mind, providing easy-to-use interfaces, consistent performance, and a positive user experience. Successful API providers recognize the importance of fostering a vibrant ecosystem of interconnected APIs and engaging with their API consumers to ensure their needs are met.

Edge Platform

An edge platform layer plays a critical role in API architecture by providing a point of entry for external and internal API consumers to securely and reliably access the API. The edge platform layer may include components and services such as discovery, WAF, gateway, load balancer, reverse proxy, and CDN. These components and services work together to provide additional security, traffic management, and performance optimization capabilities to the API. The edge platform layer also serves as a bridge between the API and the public internet or other internal systems, ensuring that requests are processed efficiently and quickly. A well-designed edge platform layer can improve the user experience of the API consumers and provide a more robust and scalable API ecosystem.

Experience APIs

Experience APIs, also known as BFF or Backend-for-Frontend, are a type of API that is specifically designed to cater to the needs of a particular front-end application or client. These APIs are optimized for a particular use case or device and are typically built on top of other APIs or microservices. Experience APIs help to streamline development by providing a simplified and consistent interface to the underlying services, reducing the complexity of the client-side code. They also allow for greater flexibility and customization of the user experience, as developers can tailor the API to specific user needs. Experience APIs are particularly useful in scenarios where there are multiple front-end applications or devices that require different types of data or functionality from the same set of backend services. By using experience APIs, developers can avoid duplicating backend functionality and ensure a consistent user experience across different client types.

Process APIs

Process APIs are a type of API that plays a crucial role in API architecture by enabling the composition and orchestration of multiple services or APIs into a single, unified process. These APIs act as intermediaries between the client and the underlying services, allowing developers to create complex business workflows that span multiple APIs or microservices. Process APIs help to simplify development by abstracting away the complexity of the underlying services and providing a consistent interface to the client. They also allow developers to automate and optimize business processes by defining rules and workflows that dictate how data flows between services. By using process APIs, developers can create more efficient and scalable applications that are better able to meet the needs of their users.

System APIs

System APIs, also known as Systems-of-record (SOR), are a critical layer in API architecture that provides core business functionality and manages data storage, OS services, and external vendor and partner systems. These APIs serve as the backbone of the organization’s IT infrastructure, handling critical business operations such as data storage and processing. System APIs can be interfaced using multiple technologies and protocols, including REST, RPC, ESB, and legacy systems. They are typically designed to be highly stable and reliable, with a focus on consistency and accuracy of data. By providing a consistent interface to the underlying systems, System APIs allow developers to build new applications and services that leverage the organization’s existing IT infrastructure. This helps to reduce development time and costs, while also ensuring that new applications and services are aligned with the organization’s overall business strategy.

Data Streaming Platform

A data streaming platform, such as Kafka, plays a critical role in API architecture by providing real-time data processing and analytics capabilities. Modern API implementation strategies often rely on real-time data processing to provide personalized and contextualized user experiences, as well as to support event-driven architectures. A data streaming platform allows APIs to process large volumes of data in real-time and enables applications to consume and respond to data as it is generated. This capability is particularly useful in scenarios where applications need to process large amounts of data, such as financial transactions or social media analytics. By using a data streaming platform, API providers can create more responsive and scalable applications that can process data in real-time, enabling new use cases and business opportunities. Additionally, data streaming platforms can help to simplify API development by providing a common infrastructure for real-time data processing and analytics.

Non-functional aspects

The non-functional aspects in the context of API Architecture may include performance, scalability, reliability, security, and maintainability. A well-designed API architecture should ensure that these non-functional requirements are met or exceeded, while also providing a high-quality user experience. Performance and scalability are particularly important, as modern APIs need to be able to handle large volumes of traffic and respond quickly to user requests. Reliability is also critical, as API downtime can have significant business impacts. Security is another important consideration, as APIs can provide an entry point for attackers to exploit vulnerabilities and gain access to sensitive data. Finally, maintainability is essential to ensure that the API remains up-to-date with the latest technology and business requirements. By considering these non-functional aspects during the design and implementation of an API architecture, organizations can create APIs that are more robust, scalable, and secure, and that provide a better user experience.

API Application Layering

In order to follow some best architectural practices around implementing an API, it is recommended to employee the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP), which suggests that each layer should have a specific responsibility and perform a specific function. The controller layer should handle input validation, request routing, and response generation. The service layer should handle business logic and perform complex operations. The data access layer should handle database operations, caching, and storage. Also, it is essential to keep the layers loosely coupled to allow for flexibility and maintainability. Each layer should be independent of other layers, and changes made to one layer should not impact the other layers. As another principle, it is crucial to follow proper error handling practices to ensure that errors are caught and handled appropriately at each layer. Lastly, it is essential to ensure that each layer is well-documented to help developers understand the functionality of each layer and how they can interact with it. By following these best practices, organizations can build robust, scalable, and maintainable APIs that provide a high-quality user experience.



Muneeb S. Ahmad

Muneeb Ahmad is a Senior Microservices Architect and Recognized Educator at IBM. He is pursuing passion in ABC (AI, Blockchain, and Cloud)