Deep Learning 101: Lesson 25: Spam Detection with NLP

Muneeb S. Ahmad
5 min readSep 3, 2024


This article is part of the “Deep Learning 101” series. Explore the full series for more insights and in-depth learning here.

Spam detection is one of the most common and impactful applications of natural language processing (NLP) in our digital lives. It focuses primarily on identifying and filtering out unwanted or irrelevant messages, particularly in email communications. The process involves sophisticated pattern recognition and anomaly detection techniques that are hallmarks of NLP.

The basic operation of spam detection using NLP is to analyze the content of emails. The system scans the text for known spam indicators, which can include specific words, phrases or patterns commonly found in spam emails. For example, phrases such as “You have won a lottery!” or “Urgent money transfer required” are typical indicators that a message may be spam.

NLP systems also learn from new data, adapting to the ever-evolving tactics of spammers. Machine learning models, a subset of NLP, are trained on large datasets of both spam and legitimate email. These models learn to distinguish between the two by recognizing subtle patterns and anomalies that may not be immediately obvious to human readers.

What’s more, NLP-based spam filters don’t just look at the text. They analyze the email’s metadata, such as sender information, sending patterns, and the frequency with which emails are sent to multiple recipients. This holistic approach increases the accuracy of spam detection, ensuring that important, legitimate emails are less likely to be misclassified as spam.

Below is an example of how the pre-trained Spam Detection model works in natural language processing. The model, which is designed to classify sentences as spam or not, demonstrates its effectiveness through two different prediction examples. In the first, a seemingly promotional message is accurately categorized as spam, while in the second, a genuine comment is appropriately recognized as not spam. This demonstrates the model’s accuracy and adaptability in analyzing and interpreting diverse textual input, a critical attribute for effective spam detection in various digital communication contexts.

Pre-trained Model

In the above description of the Spam Detection model, we see a concise summary of its capabilities and specifications. Classified as an NLP classification type, this model is adept at determining whether a given sentence, especially a comment, is spam or not. Its architecture, suitable for handling short texts up to 20 words, is ideal for fast and efficient spam filtering in online communication platforms. The model is accessible through its Kaggle homepage, which provides insights into its framework and variations.

Model Summary

The following model summary provides a detailed look at the architecture of the spam detection model. Starting with an input layer designed for a maximum of 20 words, it uses an embedding layer with 14,021 parameters to process and understand the textual input. The global average pooling and dense layers further analyze the embedded text, with a dropout layer for regularization. The final dense layer, consisting of 2 units, classifies the input as ‘spam’ or ‘not spam’. The model design, with a total of 14,093 parameters, is optimized for efficient processing and accurate spam detection.

Prediction Example 1:

In the model’s first prediction example, the input sentence “Nice article, check out my website for amazing deals on shoes!” is tokenized into a series of numeric values representing each word. The model’s output assigns a high probability of 0.979 that the sentence is spam, illustrating its ability to effectively identify promotional or unwanted content.

Prediction Example 2

The second prediction example demonstrates the nuanced understanding of the model. The input “I am leaving this comment with genuine interest” is processed and tokenized similarly. However, the model’s output shows a higher probability (0.728) that the sentence is not spam, highlighting the model’s ability to effectively distinguish genuine comments from spam.

The spam detection example above effectively demonstrates the robust capabilities of the pre-trained NLP classification model. It highlights how the model, with its complex architecture capable of processing up to 20 words, excels at distinguishing between spam and legitimate messages. This is evidenced by its accurate analysis of different types of input sentences — one promotional and the other genuine — and its ability to accurately classify them as spam or not spam. Such efficiency and accuracy, supported by 14,093 parameters including an embedding layer and dense layers, underscores the model’s utility in improving spam filtering processes across online communication platforms.


Spam detection is a crucial application of natural language processing (NLP), focused on identifying and filtering unwanted messages, especially in email communications. By analyzing email content for specific spam indicators and leveraging machine learning models trained on vast datasets, NLP systems can distinguish between spam and legitimate emails with high accuracy. These models not only scrutinize the text but also examine metadata like sender information and sending patterns. An example of a pre-trained spam detection model shows its proficiency in classifying sentences as spam or not, with predictions based on the model’s sophisticated architecture. This process is essential for enhancing the accuracy and reliability of spam filters in various digital communication contexts.

4 Ways to Learn

1. Read the article: Spam Detection with NLP

2. Play with the visual tool: Spam Detection with NLP

Play with the visual tool: Spam Detection with NLP

3. Watch the video: Spam Detection with NLP

4. Practice with the code: Spam Detection with NLP



Muneeb S. Ahmad

Muneeb Ahmad is a Senior Microservices Architect and Recognized Educator at IBM. He is pursuing passion in ABC (AI, Blockchain, and Cloud)